Jing means a well, the storage place of the most valuable resource-water.
What is this about?
This Gua emphasises the importance of labour or, to be exact, human resource. After King Wu conquered the 99 nations, he questioned how to use abundant resources wisely.
48.0 改邑;不改井。无喪无得。往來井。井汔至亦未繘。羸其瓶。凶
The town can change its ownership, but the well cannot change its function. Although the Well's water will not be drained, it will not be replenished. People arrive to enjoy the water. If the bucket is drawn up, the rope is entangled around it, or the bucket is broken, it brings misfortune. Although new governors were installed throughout the 99 nations, King Wu did not change the acting officers. The misguided action would have initiated great tumult if they had been excluded from the new administration. This is a time to communicate and network with people. Draw from the great well of knowledge and elevate your intelligence and status.
48.1 初六井泥,不食。舊井无禽
Yin on Line 1: The muddy water cannot be consumed. The old well is useless. In some countries, the government is so corrupt that restoring order is hopeless. If you acquire a company and discover the senior staff is evil, replace them by choosing someone from your pool of resources. If no one is qualified to fill the position, then abandon this post.
48.2 九二井谷射鮒。甕敝漏
Yang on Line 2: There are fish in the well. If you shoot them with an arrow, you may cause the water bucket to crack. These lines warn you to make good use of your human resources. Treat your staff/children/significant other reasonably, honourably, and respectfully. Abuse the system, and your company/project/relationship/family will fall apart.
48.3 九三井渫不食。為我心惻。可用汲。王明。並受其福
Yang on Line 3: The mud in the well has been removed. The water is now clear and suitable for consumption. If the water is not used, it is wasted. If the king is wise, he will use the excellent water for his benefit. The Zhou removed the corrupt officers administering the 99 nations, leaving the capable ones to help them restore order. Good people possessing a solid work ethic and determination will support you. Neglecting them is wasteful and shameful.
48.4 六四井甃。无咎
Yin on Line 4: Repair the well's lining. There will be no mistake. Restructure your organisation/ relationship to benefit your wants and needs. The efficiency will improve.
48.5 九五井冽,寒泉食
Yang on Line 5: The well is purified. Cool water is suitable for drinking. Your organisation/ relationship is back on track. It is productive, satisfying, and empowering to your intellect and spirit.
48.6 上六井收勿幕。有孚元吉
Yin on Line 6: Do not cover the well with a lid. Mutual trust will bring fortune. Do not limit the talent and capabilities of your workers. Please do not keep them under your thumb. Trust them, and they will demonstrate their devotion to you.