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#45 萃 Cui (Gathering)

Updated: Mar 3

Discover the power of unity with the I Ching Gua Cui, symbolising gathering together, assembling and uniting. 👫🌐 Embrace the wisdom of this ancient practice and learn how to cultivate a sense of belonging and shared purpose with those around you. 💫🏠 Develop strong connections and see how harmony manifests.

What is this about?

Let's delve into the historical context of Gua. It narrates the moment when King Wu gathered his supporters at a sacrificial ceremony, seeking approval from his ancestors to embark on a significant conquest. This refusal to pledge alliance or engage in partnership with the new Zhou administration is a pivotal moment in the history of unity and decision-making.


45.0 亨王假有廟。利見大人。亨利貞,用大牲吉。利有攸往

The king goes to the ancestral temple to make offerings to his ancestors. It is fortunate to offer a significant sacrifice. It is advantageous to meet a great man. It will be beneficial to proceed in any direction. Persevere, and the outcome will be positive. Assemble people to help toward your cause. Work together to create something great. The result will prove successful.

45.1 初六有孚不終。乃亂乃萃。若號一握為笑。恤,往无咎

Yin on Line 1: Sincerity did not bring the desired result. Chaos reigns, and the people gather. He raised his fist and spoke. He smiled. There is no worry. There will be no mistake. King Wu assembled his people, asking them to help him restore order to the floundering empire. You are about to lead or participate in a significant venture. The morale is high. Nothing will go wrong.

45.2 六二引吉。无咎。孚乃利用禴

Yin on Line 2: Here, the king's sincerity leads his people to prosperity. At the sacrificial ceremony, the ancestors acknowledge and accept his genuine intentions. This underscores the importance of sincerity in decision-making. When your actions are guided by sincerity, you can expect blessings and success.

45.3 六三萃如嗟如。无攸利。无咎,小吝

Yin on line 3: Although the people gathered, they were not unified. The differences are not severe. It is a shame. The Zhou were unconvinced that military action against the so nations was necessary. Likewise, you have not convinced your supporters of your plan. While your idea/ cause/ project has not been met with strong objections, you must approach your opposition differently. Putting yourself in their shoes will enable you to understand their concerns.

45.4 九四大吉;无咎

Yang on Line 4: Great fortune. Nothing to blame. What you seek (partnership/ new enterprise/ job) is promising. Proceed, and you will succeed.

45.5 九五萃有位;无咎。匪孚。元永貞—悔亡

Yang on Line 5: The gathering of people unifies ideas. This unity ensures that there will be no mistake. While some may not be fully confident, perseverance will lead to a successful outcome. You have gained the majority vote, which is a significant step. Even those who initially opposed your plan will eventually be won over by your determination and the strength of your idea.

45.6 上六齎咨涕洟。无咎

Yin on Line 6: Some people sigh, some people weep. Yet, there is no reason to blame them. Although some people do not agree with your decision and have expressed their displeasure, proceed as planned. Prove your position.



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