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#16 豫 Yu (Satisfying)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Yu means satisfying. Yu suggests that people who pursue their destiny will lead a satisfied, contented, and harmonious life.

What is this about?

This Gua describes King Wen's skill at taking action at the appropriate time. To do so assures acceptable results and approaching joy.


16.0 利建侯。行師

When the morale is high, it is time to pursue further military action and establish feudal states. King Wen was a gifted diviner who used his skill to help keep track of the ebb and flow of the people and the uprising. Because he could lead his people at the right time, all were entrusted with a sense of achievement, bliss, and happiness. Taking action at the right time will fulfil your mind and spirit. Listen to your instincts.

16.1 初六鳴。豫凶

Yin on Line 1: Overconfidence leads to arrogance. King Wen warned his troops not to relax. Letting their guards down would help the enemy to take them by surprise. Do not become complacent over an early accomplishment. Remain diligent and alert. Keep up the excellent work.

16.2 六二介于石,終日。貞吉

Yin on Line 2: The path is stopped by a large rock. With resolution, he found an alternate route by day's end. There will be a future. Because the timing of his military assault was crucial to its success, King Wen could not let obstacles delay the mission. Likewise, do not let obstacles hinder your progress. Seek an immediate solution.

16.3 六三盱豫。悔—遲有悔

Yin on Line 3: He is pleased with his success. He will be ashamed if he doesn't wake up on time. Do not indulge in the pleasure of success. Begin a new project before you lose

your drive and motivation. If you wait too long, it will be too late. Procrastination

leads to inactivity.

16.4 九四由豫,大有得,勿疑。朋盍簪

Yang on Line 4: There is good reason to be joyful. The success is enormous. Let the allies celebrate so that they will have no doubts. Do not doubt your action or decision. You did the right thing. Celebrate and enjoy your victory with friends, family, and associates.

16.5 六五貞:疾恆,不死

Yin on Line 5: Confidence is the best remedy for the disease. With confidence, a person will not die. King Wen understood that to err is human. However, if a mistake is corrected sincerely and poised, the outcome will not be fateful. Stick to your principles. Correct your errors and shortcomings. The consequences will not be serious.

16.6 上六冥。豫成有渝。无咎

Yin on Line 6: The joy and satisfaction will eventually disappear. It is time for a new venture. There will be no mistake. When the excitement of success has reduced, it's time to plan for another project. Do not dwell on past glories. Move on.



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