Kwan Yin Qian Moderate
佛印會東坡 (中籤)
Monk Foyin met the poet Su Dongpo.
觀音靈簽第三十一簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【中籤未宮】清閒無憂靜處坐,飽後喝茶時坐臥; 放下身心不用忙,必定不招冤與禍。
Imagine a life of leisure and peace. After a hearty dinner, one takes tea and naps when tired. Put your burdens aside. Take your time in life. No grief or disaster will ever linger. This tranquility is within your reach.tranquillity
觀音靈簽第三十一簽:詩意 Meaning
Remember, it's wise to take it easy and leave things alone. Trust that everything will turn out well in the end. This wisdom will guide you through life's uncertainties.
觀音靈簽第三十一簽:解曰 Interpretation
守舊安然 叩問神仙 直待時來 事亦偶然
Keep your cool and let things be. The cosmic counsel for your question is to wait for when everything falls into place. Patience is the key to unlocking a hopeful future.
觀音靈簽第三十一簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 祈保 Pray for protection
自身 Self: 安 Safe
求財 Wealth: 守待 Wait and hold on
交易 Transaction: 宜遲 Should be late
婚姻 Marriage: 合 Suitable
六甲 Birth: 女 Girl
行人 Traveler: 至 Has arrived
尋人 Person you seek: 難 Challenging
公訟 Lawsuit: 和 Amiable settlement
移徙 Migration: 吉 Propitious
失物 Lost object: 虛 False
疾病 Health & sickness: 設送 Pray to send the illness away
觀音靈簽第三十一簽:典故 Allegory
佛印姓謝名端卿。 表字覺老。 江西饒州府浮梁縣人氏。 因應舉至京。 宋神宗因天旱求雨。 往大相國寺臨壇。 謝端卿欲瞻龍顏。 東坡允其充作侍者。 神宗見捧茶侍者慌忙。 問其出處。 端卿巧答。 皇帝大悅。 賜名了元。 號佛印。 即時披剃為僧。 端卿無奈成為和尚。 喻人莫無事生事。 做事勿慌忙。 否則生禍。 正文在下(警世恆言十二卷)。 謝端卿被逼成為和尚。 蘇東坡欲以美女色誘佛印。 使其還俗。 趁佛印酒醉。 逼琴娘陪寢。 佛印不為所動。 並常以佛理曉悟東坡。 東坡終成正果。 有詩曰。 東坡不能化佛印。 佛印反得化東坡。 若非佛力無邊大。 那得慈航渡愛河。 (愛河指東坡之情慾。 其有七位妻妾。 )
Xie Duanqing, Buddha Yin, was a Fuliang County, Raozhou Prefecture, Jiangxi resident. He travelled to the capital for an imperial examination. During a drought, Emperor Shenzong of Song visited the Grand Xiangguo Temple to pray for rain. Xie Duanqing, wishing to see the emperor, was allowed by Su Dongpo to serve as an attendant. When the emperor noticed the tea server's nervousness, he asked about his background. Duanqing cleverly answered, pleasing the emperor, who bestowed upon him the name "Liao Yuan," also known as Buddha Yin, and immediately ordained him as a monk. This forced Duanqing into monkhood, illustrating the consequences of unnecessary actions and haste, which can invite trouble.
In the text below (Everlasting Words of Warning, Volume 12), Xie Duanqing is coerced into becoming a monk. Su Dongpo tempts Buddha Yin back to secular life using a beautiful woman. While Buddha Yin was drunk, Dongpo coerced Qinniang, a woman, to accompany him to bed. However, Buddha Yin remained unmoved, frequently enlightening Dongpo with Buddhist wisdom. Dongpo eventually reached enlightenment. A poem says, "Dongpo could not change Buddha Yin, but Buddha Yin managed to change Dongpo. If not for the vast power of Buddha, how could one navigate the river of love?" (The "river of love" refers to Dongpo's desires; he had seven wives and concubines.)