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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 84 觀音靈簽第八十四簽

Updated: Aug 25

Kwan Yin Qian Inauspicious

莊子試妻 (下籤)

Zhuangzi tested his wife’s faithfulness.

觀音靈簽第八十四簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【下籤未宮】因名喪德如何事,切恐吉中變化兇; 酒醉不知何處去,青松影裡夢朦朧。

A reputation based on shady actions. Such actions taint everything wonderful. A drunken person has no idea where to go. Amid the trees' shadows, I'm at a loss.

觀音靈簽第八十四簽:詩意 Meaning


One should not move like a fish trapped in freezing water.

觀音靈簽第八十四簽:解曰 Interpretation

寒魚離水 美中不足 若問營謀 不如莫起

The fish is out of its frigid waters, and the situation is not ideal. It is recommended that you put your plans on hold, being alert and exercising caution in your decision-making.

觀音靈簽第八十四簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

六甲煞旺 諸事不利 解除保安

Nothing will go right in this lot, which is especially foreboding during the hours and times regulated by the six specific Heavenly and Earthly Branches. Make a prayer for safety and protection.

觀音靈簽第八十四簽:典故 Allegory

莊子試妻。 周朝。 姓莊名周。 字子休。 宋國蒙邑人。 仕周為漆園吏。 莊子假死試妻。 其妻田氏守孝。 七天后有一楚國王孫公子到訪。 自稱莊子之徒。 願執百日之喪。 田氏愛公子俊美。 不足廿日成婚。 公子叫心疼。 曰腦髓(人心)可治。 田氏往劈莊子棺以取腦髓(人心)。 莊子破棺而出。 後田氏羞愧自殺。

Zhuangzi tests his wife. During the Zhou Dynasty, his surname was Zhuang, and his given name was Zhou, which was styled Zixiu. He was from Mengyi in the State of Song and was an official in the Zhou lacquer garden. Zhuangzi faked his death to test his wife. His wife, Mrs. Tian, observed mourning rites. Seven days later, a prince from the State of Chu visited, claiming to be a disciple of Zhuangzi and willing to observe a hundred days of mourning. Mrs. Tian fell in love with the handsome prince and married in less than twenty days. The prince called himself "Heartbroken" and said the human heart could be cured. Mrs. Tian went to split Zhuangzi's coffin to extract his brain (human heart). Zhuangzi broke out of the coffin, and Mrs. Tian committed suicide out of shame.



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