Kwan Yin Qian Inauspicious
伯牙訪友 (下籤)
Bo Ya visited a friend.
觀音靈簽第九十四簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【下籤戌宮】君子莫體小人為,事若差池各是非; 琴鳴須用知音聽,守常安靜得依稀。
The virtuous do not think like villains whose actions reveal their flaws and differences. Only those who have been tutored can appreciate the beautiful music. Stay and silently await the uncommon company.
觀音靈簽第九十四簽:詩意 Meaning
A genuine and mutual buddy will be made. Maintain the status quo, and everything will be OK.
觀音靈簽第九十四簽:解曰 Interpretation
知音方許 閒事莫理 待得貴人 無不歡喜
Avoid gossip and look for a mutual buddy who knows and understands you and provides you delight.Remember, the words of others do not determine your worth.
觀音靈簽第九十四簽:仙機 Celestial Message
家宅 Household: 慎出 Proceed cautiously when outside
自身 Self: 小人 Vile character
求財 Wealth: 待時 Wait
交易 Transaction: 謹慎 Take precautions
婚姻 Marriage: 宜遲 Should delay
六甲 Birth: 女 Girl
行人 Traveler: 動 On the move
尋人 Person you seek: 勤 Try harder
公訟 Lawsuit: 和 Amiable settlement
失物 Lost object: 速尋 Look far
疾病 Health & sickness: 阻隔 Recovery will be challenging
觀音靈簽第九十四簽:典故 Allegory
(伯牙碎琴) 春秋戰國。 姓俞名瑞字伯牙。 楚國郢都人。 事晉退休。 乘船遇荒山。 見樵夫子期欣賞其琴。 遂結契兄弟。 相約一年後重敘。 到期再往訪。 才知鐘子期已死。 往訪其墳。 斷弦碎琴。 曰:摔碎瑤琴鳳尾寒。 子期不在對誰彈。 春風滿面皆朋友。 欲覓知音難上難。
(Bo Ya Breaks His Zither) Spring and Autumn Warring States period. Surname Yu, given name Rui, styled Bo Ya. A native of Ying, the capital of Chu. Served the Jin state and later retired. Travelling by boat, he encountered a lonely mountain. He met a woodcutter named Zi Qi, who appreciated his zither playing. They became sworn brothers and agreed to meet again one year later. When the time came, Bo Ya visited again, only to learn that Zi Qi had passed away. He visited Zi Qi's tomb, broke the strings of his zither, and shattered it. He said: "The precious zither is broken, and the phoenix's tail is cold. With Zi Qi gone, who is there to play for? Spring wind touches every face, but true friends are all around. To find someone who understands is harder than hard."