Year 2020 has really tested us in many ways to survive. It is certainly a year that would be recorded in history and how we are going to overcome it. But the bad news is the light at the end of the tunnel is not near.
As we enter the last quarter of the year, it needs to reflect what we could have done differently or better to plan for next year. We will discuss in my next post for 2021. Last year, I have revealed the IChing reading of 2020: 澤水困 Trapped. It was certainly mind-boggling to think what could happen that could lead us into a situation. CoVid-19 has not happened yet at that time.
All I could inference base on the reading (澤水困 Trapped) with the trade war. I could analysis that one is been cut off from resources and constant living in fear. Better for one to focus on a long term goal rather than the year. I told many clients and friends of mine to focus on growth beyond this year. For example, cutting whichever businesses or department that are bleeding from wealth, to downscale to survive, taking up courses on digital advancement. When we have seen and experienced the lockdown, it struck me that the literal meaning of the IChing reading. I was in a hot spot when people asked me if I could not see this pandemic. Truth be told, I was complacent to consider on the possibility of a pandemic. I was too complacent even though I have experienced SARS in my younger days. After that, I quickly updated my inference with the factor of a pandemic in March 2020.
Something to think about: last rat cycle in 2008: Global financial crisis. US Government supported an expansion of homeownership. The Fed pushed interest rates down causing demands for higher-yielding instruments. Rising trend to make mortgage loans. They are using similar strategies to push the economy up. Can it still work? The IChing reading is different from 2008 and 2020.
I promise myself: I would consider all possibility of pandemic, war, disaster and trade crisis which is found throughout Chinese history.
During the lockdown, I have some spare time to study the IChing reading and stock market. It was a tedious process to chart both historical technical analysis and IChing reading. I used the foundations of Chinese metaphysics and tested its relevancy in today's environment. It was quite rocky at the start. As I progress, I am able to see the right information come together. I could see some patterns and logic. It took months before I felt this system can hold some truth. It was not by my own effort. I have some discussion with market experts and stock market enthusiast in my research. Now, this system is able to give directions for trading. This is only owned used and some close clients who could trade responsibly.
I promise myself: To lookout for more opportunities, so that this art can flourish further and also to clarify myths and superstition created by others.