Kwan Yin Qian Moderate
話梅止渴 (中籤)
Thoughts of plums to quench one’s thirst
觀音靈簽第十七簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【中籤卯宮】莫聽閒言說是非,晨昏只好念彌陀; 若將狂話為真實,畫餅如何止得饑。
Pay no attention to gossip, and don't spread controversies. Count the Buddhist prayers throughout the day and night. If you believe the lies and fallacies, you are baking cakes to satisfy your hunger.
觀音靈簽第十七簽:詩意 Meaning
This is a Chinese adage about a man who attempts to satisfy his hunger by painting a cake. The hunger is genuine, but the food isn't.
觀音靈簽第十七簽:解曰 Interpretation
心中不定 枉看經文 恰似畫餅 食也難吞
Prayers are useless to a preoccupied and dissatisfied heart. You can't eat them to fulfil your hunger, just like the cakes in the image.
觀音靈簽第十七簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 祈福 Pray for blessings
自身 Self: 順利 (不順) Smooth-sailing (Not doing well)
求財 Wealth: 順利 (甭想) Smooth-sailing (Don’t even think about it)
交易 Transaction: 慢 Take it slow
婚姻 Marriage: 阻 Obstruction
六甲 Birth: 安 (空孕) Safe (False Pregnancy)
行人 Traveler: 遲 Will be late
尋人 Person you seek: 見 (難) Will be found (Challenging)
公訟 Lawsuit: 宜和 (勿興) Should settle (Do not celebrate yet)
移徙 Migration: 守舊 Maintain status quo
失物 Lost object: 不見 Will not be found
疾病 Health & sickness: 還願 Redeem a wish
觀音靈簽第十七簽:典故 Allegory
話梅止渴。 三國。 曹操領兵。 敗季缺水。 兵卒口渴。 曹曰前有一默林。 到那當可吃梅解渴。 兵卒聽了口水直流。 便不覺得口渴。 望梅止渴出此典故。 與畫餅充饑同一意。
Let's delve into the historical context of the adage. During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao, a prominent figure, led his defeated troops who were suffering from a lack of water. The soldiers, in their thirst, were told by Cao Cao that there was a plum grove ahead. He suggested that they could eat plums to quench their thirst when they reached there. This clever ploy instantly made the soldiers feel less thirsty. This incident gave birth to the adage '話梅止渴 ', which has a similar meaning to the saying 'drawing cakes to satisfy hunger'.