Kwan Yin Qian Moderate
竇燕山積善 (上籤)
Dou Yanshan accumulated good karma.
觀音靈簽第九十六簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【上籤戌宮】巍峨寶塔不尋常,八面玲瓏盡放光; 勸君立志勤頂禮,作善蒼天降福祥。
Like the towering pagoda that shines brilliantly in all directions, your good deeds will not go unnoticed. Strengthen your resolve to worship and accomplish more good. Heaven will bless you for your generosity.
觀音靈簽第九十六簽:詩意 Meaning
Trust in the power of divination. Your path is illuminated by the signs of fortune and success, assuring you that everything will go exceptionally well.
觀音靈簽第九十六簽:解曰 Interpretation
這些福份 眾人皆見 不用心忙 福德前定
Your fortune is not yours alone. It is intertwined with that of others. Trust that everything is predetermined, and you are part of a shared destiny.
觀音靈簽第九十六簽:仙機 Celestial Message
家宅 Household: 許願 Make a promise
自身 Self: 許經 Arrange for prayers
求財 Wealth: 正勝 On the path of success
交易 Transaction: 大吉 Very auspicious
婚姻 Marriage: 好合 Harmonious
六甲 Birth: 喜 Expectant
行人 Traveler: 動 On the move
尋人 Person you seek: 遇 Will meet
公訟 Lawsuit: 和 Amiable settlement
移徙 Migration: 吉 Propitious
疾病 Health & sickness: 禳星 Pray to dispel ominous stars
觀音靈簽第九十六簽:典故 Allegory
竇燕山積善。 宋朝。 竇燕山中年無子。 一夜夢中。 其父訓他去惡從善。 自此竇燕山痛改前非。 力行方便。 並得五子。 三字經有載:竇燕山。 有義方。 教五子。 名俱揚。
In the Song Dynasty, Dou Yanshan found himself childless in his middle age. One night, he had a dream in which his father advised him to turn away from evil and follow goodness. Inspired by this dream, Dou Yanshan deeply regretted his past wrongs and actively practised good deeds. His efforts were rewarded when he eventually had five sons. The Three Character Classic records: Dou Yanshan, a man of righteousness, taught his five sons, whose names were all celebrated.