Kwan Yin Qian Moderate
龐洪畏包公 (中籤)
Pang Hong feared Justice Bao.
觀音靈簽第八十八簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【中籤酉宮】木為一虎在當門,須是有威不害人; 分明說是無防事,憂惱遲疑恐驚心。
A wooden tiger guards the entrance. It may appear fierce, yet it will cause no harm. There is no danger. All of your concerns, anxieties, and suspicions are unfounded and unjustified, bringing you a sense of relief and reassurance.
觀音靈簽第八十八簽:詩意 Meaning
A wooden tiger statue appears fierce and menacing. However, there are false alarms because not much is genuine.
觀音靈簽第八十八簽:解曰 Interpretation
爐頭點雪 似耳邊風 可宜作福 後吉前兇
Like snowflakes on a hot stove and winds brushing against the ears, your troubles will pass swiftly. Despite your previous misfortunes, continue to do good things, and wealth will eventually follow, instilling a sense of hope and optimism in you.
觀音靈簽第八十八簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 不安 Not safe
自身 Self: 口舌 Disputes and quarrels
求財 Wealth: 小人 Vile character
交易 Transaction: 不利 Not favourable
婚姻 Marriage: 不合 Not suitable
六甲 Birth: 虛險 False danger
行人 Traveler: 阻 Obstruction
尋人 Person you seek: 杳 Distant and out of sight
公訟 Lawsuit: 虧 Loss
移徙 Migration: 守舊 Maintain status quo
失物 Lost object: 兇 Ominous
疾病 Health & sickness: 祭虎 Pray to appease the tiger god
觀音靈簽第八十八簽:典故 Allegory
龐洪畏包公。 宋朝仁宗。 包公為開封府府尹。 龐洪為國丈(皇帝作女婿)。 陷將軍狄青於獄中。 包公求審此案。 龐洪驚畏萬分。 多方阻攔。 後案情大白。 證實龐洪誣陷。 呈宋仁宗聖裁。 又因皇戚被釋。
Pang Hong fears Bao Gong. Song Dynasty Renzong. Bao Gong serves as the prefect of Kaifeng. Pang Hong is the emperor's son-in-law (the emperor's daughter's husband). He frames General Di Qing and sends him to prison. Bao Gong requests to investigate the case. Pang Hong is highly fearful and tries to obstruct the investigation. Eventually, the truth of the case is revealed, and it is confirmed that Pang Hong has falsely accused General Di Qing. The case is presented to Emperor Renzong for his judgment. Due to Pang Hong's relationship with the royal family, he is released.