Kwan Yin Qian Inauspicious
霸王被困 (下籤)
The story of the hegemonic King of Chu, a cautionary tale, serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of being cornered.
觀音靈簽第六十六簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【下籤卯宮】路險馬乏人行急,失群軍卒困相當; 灘高風浪船櫂破,日暮花殘天降霜
A nervous rider driving a horse down a steep slope will have difficulty if they become separated from the troop. The days are shorter, the flowers have wilted, and snow is falling as a boat stuck in rough seas with broken oars.
觀音靈簽第六十六簽:詩意 Meaning
Like a boat navigating treacherous rapids, you must remain vigilant and take precautions in this challenging situation.
觀音靈簽第六十六簽:解曰 Interpretation
守舊待時 安靜無咎 不用求謀 自在悠遊
Patience is key. Allow things to unfold naturally, remain silent, and stay carefree. Avoid plotting or scheming.
觀音靈簽第六十六簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 憂疑 Worries and suspicions
自身 Self: 災耗 News of calamities
求財 Wealth: 破失 Destroyed or lost
交易 Transaction: 敗 Failure
婚姻 Marriage: 不長 Union will be short
六甲 Birth: 危險 Dangerous
行人 Traveler: 阻 Obstruction
尋人 Person you seek: 杳 Distant and out of sight
公訟 Lawsuit: 虧 Loss
移徙 Migration: 莫動 Do not move
疾病 Health & sickness: 即設送 Pray to send illness away immediately
觀音靈簽第六十六簽:典故 Allegory
霸王被困。 楚霸王項羽的軍隊戰無不勝。 項羽自以為天下無敵。 韓信率諸侯兵。 與楚王大戰於九裡山。 十面埋伏圍籍垓下。 霸王軍心動搖。 項羽突圍至烏江。 雖有船接項羽過江。 因感到無顏見江東父老。 項羽拔劍自刎而死。
The Overlord is trapped. The army of Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Chu, was invincible in battle. Xiang Yu considered himself unbeatable in the world. Han Xin led the allied forces to fight against the King of Chu at the Battle of Jiuliyshan. The ambush from all sides trapped them at Gaixia. The Overlord's army was shaken. Xiang Yu broke through the encirclement and reached Wujiang. Although boats were available to take Xiang Yu across the river, he felt too ashamed to face the elders of his homeland in Jiangdong. Xiang Yu drew his sword and committed suicide.