Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to harmonize the environment and its energies. Here is a list of 100 plants that are commonly used in Feng Shui, along with their Chinese names and meanings. Please note that the meanings listed here are not exhaustive and may vary based on different interpretations and cultural beliefs.
竹子 (Zhúzi) - Bamboo: symbolizes resilience, flexibility, and longevity
富貴竹 (Fùguì zhú) - Lucky Bamboo: attracts wealth and fortune
花梨木 (Huā lí mù) - Pyrus calleryana: represents prosperity and growth
芙蓉 (Fúróng) - Hibiscus: symbolizes beauty and grace
桂花 (Guìhuā) - Osmanthus: represents wealth and honor
菊花 (Júhuā) - Chrysanthemum: symbolizes longevity and happiness
梅花 (Méihuā) - Plum Blossom: represents perseverance and hope
牡丹 (Mǔdān) - Peony: symbolizes wealth, honor, and romance
蓮花 (Liánhuā) - Lotus: represents purity and spiritual enlightenment
桃花 (Táohuā) - Peach Blossom: symbolizes love and relationship luck
玫瑰 (Méiguī) - Rose: represents love, passion, and beauty
金梅 (Jīnméi) - Winter Jasmine: symbolizes wealth and prosperity
仙人掌 (Xiānrén zhǎng) - Cactus: represents protection and endurance
吊蘭 (Diào lán) - Spider Plant: symbolizes growth and fertility
銀杏 (Yín xìng) - Ginkgo: represents longevity and vitality
金錢樹 (Jīnqián shù) - Money Tree: attracts wealth and financial stability
石斛蘭 (Shíhú lán) - Dendrobium: represents nobility and elegance
君子蘭 (Jūnzǐ lán) - Clivia: symbolizes nobility and integrity
蘭花 (Lánhuā) - Orchid: represents elegance, beauty, and refinement
龍膽花 (Lóngdǎn huā) - Gentiana: symbolizes courage and strength
五色梅 (Wǔsè méi) - Ixora: represents happiness and good fortune
琴葉榕 (Qínyè róng) - Ficus lyrata: represents growth and transformation
金魚草 (Jīnyú cǎo) - Nasturtium: symbolizes abundance and wealth
吉祥草 (Jíxiáng cǎo) - Maranta: represents good fortune and prosperity
紫荊 (Zǐjīng) - Bauhinia: symbolizes growth and adaptability
梔子 (Zhīzi) - Gardenia: represents purity and grace
繡球花 (Xiùqiú huā) - Hydrangea: symbolizes gratitude, abundance, and grace
金盞花 (Jīn zhǎn huā) - Calendula: represents protection and healing energies
花旗木 (Huāqí mù) - Dogwood: symbolizes strength, resilience, and protection
蒲葵 (Pú kuí) - Fishtail Palm: represents growth and adaptability
鳳梨 (Fènglí) - Pineapple: symbolizes wealth, fortune, and hospitality
吊竹梅 (Diào zhú méi) - Fuchsia: represents elegance and grace
無憂樹 (Wúyōu shù) - Royal Poinciana: symbolizes passion and warmth
玉簪花 (Yùzān huā) - Hosta: represents loyalty and devotion
月季 (Yuèjì) - Chinese Rose: symbolizes love, happiness, and beauty
英勇 (Yīngyǒng) - Canna: represents strength, courage, and success
石蒜 (Shísuàn) - Lycoris: symbolizes rebirth and eternal love
朱頂紅 (Zhūdǐng hóng) - Amaryllis: represents determination and success
百合 (Bǎihé) - Lily: symbolizes purity, compassion, and spiritual growth
紫藤 (Zǐténg) - Wisteria: represents wisdom, creativity, and longevity
水仙花 (Shuǐxiān huā) - Narcissus: symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and self-reflection
玉蘭花 (Yùlán huā) - Magnolia: represents purity, nobility, and perseverance
鹿角蘭 (Lùjiǎo lán) - Platycerium: symbolizes protection and good fortune
金花茶 (Jīn huā chá) - Chrysanthemum Tea: represents longevity and vitality
鐵樹 (Tiě shù) - Iron Tree: symbolizes strength, resilience, and prosperity
五指毛桃 (Wǔzhǐ máotáo) - Philodendron: represents abundance and good fortune
麒麟花 (Qílín huā) - Gloriosa Lily: symbolizes success, wealth, and honor
芭蕉 (Bājiāo) - Banana Tree: represents abundance, fertility, and happiness
密葉榕 (Mì yè róng) - Ficus elastica: represents stability, growth, and protection
大花藤 (Dà huā téng) - Bougainvillea: symbolizes passion, growth, and adaptability
曼陀羅花 (Màntuóluó huā) - Mandevilla: represents beauty, passion, and success
薑花 (Jiāng huā) - Ginger Flower: symbolizes strength, passion, and protection
凌霄花 (Língxiāo huā) - Trumpet Vine: represents growth, abundance, and success
蘆薈 (Lúhuì) - Aloe Vera: symbolizes healing, protection, and purification
鳳尾蕉 (Fèngwěi jiāo) - Bird of Paradise: represents beauty, freedom, and success
鳳凰木 (Fènghuáng mù) - Delonix regia: symbolizes growth, prosperity, and protection
合歡樹 (Héhuān shù) - Silk Tree: represents harmony, happiness, and balance
龍舌蘭 (Lóngshécái) - Agave: symbolizes resilience, endurance, and protection
火炬花 (Huǒjù huā) - Red Hot Poker: represents energy, passion, and strength
銀脈蘭 (Yín mài lán) - Aglaonema: symbolizes good fortune and prosperity
貓尾草 (Māowěi cǎo) - Squirrel's Tail Grass: represents flexibility and adaptability
雞蛋花 (Jīdàn huā) - Plumeria: symbolizes love, beauty, and immortality
蝴蝶蘭 (Húdié lán) - Butterfly Orchid: represents grace, beauty, and transformation
馬蹄蓮 (Mǎtí lián) - Water Lily: symbolizes purity, tranquility, and enlightenment
翠蘆莉 (Cuì lúlì) - Laurel: represents victory, success, and achievement
橙子樹 (Chéngzi shù) - Orange Tree: symbolizes wealth, abundance, and good luck
桂樹 (Guìshù) - Cassia Tree: represents growth, success, and protection
石榴樹 (Shíliú shù) - Pomegranate Tree: symbolizes fertility, abundance, and prosperity
阿勃勒 (Ābó lè) - Acacia: represents strength, resilience, and protection
百子蓮 (Bǎi zǐ lián) - Bleeding Heart Vine: symbolizes love, compassion, and devotion
天竺葵 (Tiānzhú kuí) - Geranium: represents health, love, and protection
鳳仙花 (Fèngxiān huā) - Impatiens: symbolizes patience, perseverance, and adaptability
大理花 (Dàlǐ huā) - Dahlia: represents dignity, elegance, and commitment
鸚鵡花 (Yīngwǔ huā) - Parrot Flower: symbolizes playfulness, creativity, and joy
豆蔻 (Dòukòu) - Cardamom: represents warmth, love, and harmony
椰子樹 (Yēzi shù) - Coconut Tree: symbolizes versatility, abundance, and resilience
海棠花 (Hǎitáng huā) - Crabapple: represents youth, beauty, and new beginnings
桂圆树 (Guìyuán shù) - Longan Tree: symbolizes family unity and togetherness
鸡蛋花 (Jīdàn huā) - Frangipani: symbolizes warmth, love, and hospitality
石榴 (Shíliú) - Pomegranate: represents fertility, abundance, and good fortune
蒲公英 (Púgōngyīng) - Dandelion: symbolizes hope, dreams, and resilience
紫藤花 (Zǐténg huā) - Clematis: represents mental clarity, focus, and creativity
钱串 (Qián chuàn) - String of Coins: symbolizes wealth and prosperity
铁线莲 (Tiěxiàn lián) - Passionflower: represents peace, tranquility, and spiritual growth
金钟花 (Jīn zhōng huā) - Abutilon: symbolizes communication, success, and balance
翡翠藤 (Fěicuì téng) - Jade Vine: represents love, loyalty, and prosperity
蕙兰花 (Huìlán huā) - Cattleya Orchid: symbolizes love, beauty, and luxury
火龙果 (Huǒlóngguǒ) - Dragon Fruit: represents abundance, vitality, and creativity
栀子花 (Zhīzi huā) - Gardenia: symbolizes purity, grace, and spiritual growth
紫薇 (Zǐwēi) - Crape Myrtle: represents resilience, beauty, and perseverance
金鸡菊 (Jīnjī jú) - Helichrysum: symbolizes healing, protection, and rejuvenation
白掌 (Bái zhǎng) - Spathiphyllum: represents purity, peace, and harmony
朱顶红 (Zhūdǐng hóng) - Hippeastrum: symbolizes determination, success, and beauty
非洲菊 (Fēizhōu jú) - African Daisy: represents happiness, harmony, and new beginnings
花椒 (Huājiāo) - Sichuan Pepper: symbolizes protection, cleansing, and warmth
西番莲 (Xīfān lián) - Passiflora: represents passion, spirituality, and harmony
钻石莲 (Zuànshí lián) - Lithops: symbolizes resilience, adaptability, and protection
福禄考 (Fúlù kǎo) - Pachira aquatica: attracts wealth, prosperity, and good fortune
金丝桃 (Jīnsītáo) - Forsythia: symbolizes anticipation, new beginnings, and hope
鸢尾花 (Yuānwěi huā) - Iris: represents wisdom, hope, and spiritual growth