An analysis of the surrounding often leads to a discussion of the underlying factors causing this law of attraction. Did the quality of land attract the people? Or the people affect the quality of the property?
Feng Shui perspective of a person’s home and office environment often will reveal the source of that blockages and lead to the critical psychological element that is the source of the problem. We are most affected by what is closest to us. At the same time, the environment pulls us than push us. It reinforces our blocks and continues us along the destined path.

When we acknowledge our current situation and understands the connection with a space and us, it is then possible for us to consciously to alter the environment and move in a new direction.
In analyzing a property, a building, or a space, the Feng Shui consultant will consider the following the macro before the microenvironment. Macroenvironment includes our neighbourhood.
• Bodies of Water
A body of water does not have to be still or contained; rivers, streams, canals, and other geographical features where water moves from one place to another are also considered bodies of water. Most are naturally occurring geographic features, but some are artificial. Some types can be either—for example, engineering dams, natural lakes and harbours. Bodies of water are affected by gravity which is what creates the tidal effects on Earth.
• Constructions
Construction projects have a significant impact on the world’s environment. Every aspect of construction has some measurable effect–from mining processes used for materials, to the waste produced by the project and how it disposed of waste.
• Vegetation
The changing environmental conditions and human activities influenced Vegetation patterns and spatial organization. The future consequences of climate change on ecosystems, biodiversity, and our food security and welfare.
• Cemeteries
Countries which have space limitation for existing cemeteries or difficulty finding new suitable areas for cemetery planning. A reexamination of all customs, traditions the systems involving the disposal of human remains and the process of the bodies decomposition to determine a more positive impact for the living.
• Roads
Roads can have many indirect impacts, such as habitat fragmentation and also drive economic stimulations. When roads create barriers to movement, they can impact animal populations in many ways. It also improves the accessibility of the place, which may assist in more development in the area.
• Buildings
The proximity between old building could influence the design of new buildings (whether by using contrast, juxtaposition, or paralleling). It may impact the surrounding culture and context. Community problem may reinforce by the building design. The distance between your building and the next can speak volumes.
Though Feng Shui cannot influence significantly in the macroenvironment. It can draw positive energies of its external environment to your home. The Feng Shui consultant works with the architect and designer in the capacity of an environmental psychologist on the practical and tangible issues of a space to create a psychologically healthy environment for you. The consultant may then move into the more intuitive areas if you are inclined. For example:
Creating a new space that optimizes the positive energies for the individual’s life.
Improving an existing space where the atmosphere may be adding to a person’s problems.
Giving a client the tools to change a personal belief and pattern of behaviour.
