Huan means dispersing. Dissolving, dissipating, and eliminating are also indicative of Huan.
What is this about?
King Cheng Wang's three uncles (Cai, Guan, and Huo) were assigned to monitor the Shang King's son. They were intensely jealous of the Duke of Zhou's position as the young king's advisor. They spread baseless rumours that the Duke of Zhou intended to eliminate Cheng Wang so that he could become king. This hurt the people's morale, and their loyalty and enthusiasm dissipated. This hexagram describes how the Duke of Zhou rectified the situation.
59.0 亨王假有廟。利涉大。利
Progressive smoothness. The king goes to the ancestral temple. It is advantageous to cross the great stream. It is beneficial to persevere. With the new Zhou empire in turmoil, Shang King's son grasped this opportunity to begin a rebellion against them. The Duke of Zhou accompanied the young king to the temple to ask for a blessing. Afterwards, they effectively thwarted Shang King's son's rebellion. Say a prayer, grasp the bull by the horns, and eliminate any obstacles hindering your development.
59.1 初六用拯馬壯,吉
Yin on Line 1: Rescuing the country with solid horses is fortunate. "Strong horses" refers to quick military action. Nip the problem in the bud. Act quickly and with determination. Do not hesitate.
59.2 九二渙, 奔其机悔亡
Yang on Line 2: Sit at the table while people disperse. The moment for repentance will leave. To "sit at the table" means to act calmly amid chaos. Don't panic. Take a deep breath, clear your head, and rectify the situation with great thought and care.
59.3 六三渙其躬,无悔
Yin on Line 3: Humbly asks the dispersing people to return. There will be nothing to regret. Your group has disbanded. They have abandoned your project/cause/company out of frustration and disappointment. Humbly plead with them to reconsider. Promise you will resolve the problem at hand. Do not be ashamed. Your determination will prove fruitful.
59.4 六四渙其羣,元吉。渙有丘,匪夷所思
Yin on Line 4: The dispersed people return in multitudes. It is unbelievable. People are coming to support you in droves. The response is overwhelming. It is a sight to behold.
59.5 九五渙汗,其大號。渙王居,无咎
Yang on Line 5: Dispersion is like a person sweating a fever. The king disperses his wealth to those supporting him. There will be no mistake. When a person is sick, cooling the fever by sweating is the natural cure. Likewise, donate to a worthy charity if discontent plagues your inner spirit. Become a mentor—volunteer for a noble cause. You will strengthen your weakened heart and fortify your mind. If you lead a company, share your profit with your employees. Your thoughtfulness will be returned tenfold.
59.6 上九渙其血,去逖出。无咎
Yang on Line 6: Dispersing greater calamity by causing bloodshed is inevitable. Learn the lesson. There will be no further mistakes. The rebellion led by Shang King's son was suppressed by military action, eliminating any additional threat of Shang resistance. The root of your problem has been destroyed. Although you may have paid a hefty price (emotionally or physically), it is worth it.