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US Leaders

Biden has taken office apprioximately 5-6 months. They have been an improvement across the country as well as abroad. We know that the transition between Trump to Biden adminstration was not an easy process. But thank goodness. It went well. Mainly due to the fact that the dymnamic of the horoscope with President Biden is compatible.

Let us review some top official personalities:

  • President Joe Biden

    • Born in 1942

    • 壬午年巽

    • 2021辛丑年: 月德、咸池、年煞、死符、小耗、六害

    • 天風姤

    • 2022壬寅年: 三台、金匱、將星、五鬼、飛符、年符

    • 地風升

  • Vice President-elect Kamala Harris

    • Born in 1964

    • 甲辰年乾

    • 2021: 太陰、羊刃、天煞、歲煞、貫索、勾神、卒暴

    • 乾為天

    • 2022: 喪門、地喪、天哭、豹尾、月煞

    • 地天泰

  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    • Born in 1940

    • 庚辰年離

    • 2021: 太陰、羊刃、天煞、歲煞、貫索、勾神、卒暴

    • 天火同人

    • 2022: 喪門、地喪、天哭、豹尾、月煞

    • 地火明夷

  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

    • Born in 1950

    • 庚寅年坤

    • 2021: 紅鸞、太陽、孤辰、劫煞、吞陷、天空、晦氣

    • 天地否

    • 2022: 伏尸、劍鋒、太歲、披頭、劫煞

    • 坤為地

  • Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

    • The first Black American to lead the Defense Department and a former general with extensive experience in the Middle East. Austin led the US withdrawal from Iraq in 2011 (a process overseen by then-Vice President Biden) as well as efforts combatting ISIS later in the Obama administration.

    • Born in 1953

    • 癸巳年坤

    • 2021: 金輿、三臺、飛符、指背、官符、五鬼、天哭、地煞、年符

    • 天地否

    • 2022: 太陰、三刑、亡神、勾神、孤辰、貫索、六害

    • 坤為地

  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken

    • The stepson of a Holocaust survivor often said to have ‘mind meld’ with Biden, Tony Blinken is a longtime Democratic foreign policy hand with decades of experience advising Biden.

    • Born in 1962

    • 壬寅年坤

    • 2021: 紅鸞、太陽、孤辰、劫煞、吞陷、天空、晦氣

    • 天地否

    • 2022: 伏尸、劍鋒、太歲、披頭、劫煞

    • 坤為地

  • National Security Council, Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell

    • Perhaps the most well-known and accomplished Asia hand in the Democratic Party. As the chief architect of the Obama administration's ‘Asia pivot’, Campbell was brought back to fortify new blocs and existing alliances in Asia.

    • Born in 1957

    • 丁酉年兌

    • 2021: 八座、天解、將星、解神、金匱、天雄、飛廉、大煞、白虎、浮沉、血刃

    • 天澤履

    • 2022: 龍德、紫微、的煞、破碎、暴敗、天厄

    • 地澤臨

  • Director, National Economic Council Brian Deese

    • Renowned for both his youth and economic expertise on climate change, Reese was an economic advisor to President Obama and oversaw the 2009 auto industry bailout as well as the 2015 Paris Climate Accord (Paris Agreement).

    • Born in 1978

    • 戊午年巽

    • 2021: 月德、咸池、年煞、死符、小耗、六害

    • 天風姤

    • 2022: 三台、金匱、將星、五鬼、飛符、年符

    • 地風升

  • Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks

    • A leading and experienced thinker on US national security strategy, Hicks comes to her role after years in the Pentagon (and outside of it too) studying US military readiness. She’s a reliable spokesperson on the needs of a new and better resourced US military strategy in the wake of a rising China.

    • Born in 1970

    • 庚戌年震

    • 2021: 天德、福星、板鞍、寡宿、卷舌、絞煞、三刑

    • 天雷旡妄

    • 2022: 天雄、華蓋、飛廉、大煞、黃旛、白虎

    • 地雷復

  • Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry

    • Kerry is the sole exception to Biden's otherwise full rejection of the Obama-style ’team of rivals’ approach to the cabinet. He holds experience as the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, nearly 30 years as a Massachusetts senator and was secretary of state during the Obama administration.

    • Born in 1943

    • 癸未年震

    • 2021: 地解、歲破、闌干、大耗、破碎、豹尾、月煞

    • 天雷旡妄

    • 2022: 月德、天喜、板鞍、黃旛、死符、小耗

    • 地雷復

  • Chief of Staff Ron Klain

    • The most progressive of the numerous finalists considered for Biden's chief of staff, Klain is an old Biden staffer with direct expertise on public health and responding to economic crises.

    • Born in 1961

    • 辛丑年震

    • 2021: 華蓋、黃旛、劍鋒、的煞、破碎、太歲、伏尸

    • 天雷旡妄

    • 2022: 陌越、紅鸞、天醫、吞陷、病符、寡宿、天煞

    • 地雷復

  • Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo

    • A moderate Democratic governor famous for taking on her state’s labour unions, Raimondo reformed Rhode Island's state pension plan – much to the consternation of progressive Democrats.

    • Born in 1971

    • 辛亥年巽

    • 2021: 天馬、天狗、弔客

    • 天風姤

    • 2022: 歲合、天德、福星、劫煞、卷舌、絞煞

    • 地風升

  • Special advisor to the Defense Secretary and China Task Force Director/ nominated to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Ely Ratner

    • An internationally known, accomplished, and respected expert on US-China relations with years of experience advising Biden, Ratner refers to China as America’s foremost strategic rival and is an advocate for enhancing US competitiveness through military modernisation and technological advancement.

    • Born in ??

  • Chair, Council of Economic Advisors Cecilia Rouse

    • The first Black American in the role, Rouse is a labor economist and academic with a significant focus on inequality.

    • Born in 1963

    • 癸卯年艮

    • 2021: 披頭、災煞、喪門、地喪、囚獄

    • 天山遯

    • 2022: 太陽、天空、咸池、年煞

    • 地山謙

  • Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman

    • A nuclear negotiation expert, Sherman was a key architect of the Iran Deal during the Obama administration as well as the Clinton administration’s negotiations with North Korea.

    • Born in 1949

    • 己丑年離

    • 2021: 華蓋、黃旛、劍鋒、的煞、破碎、太歲、伏尸

    • 天火同人

    • 2022: 陌越、紅鸞、天醫、吞陷、病符、寡宿、天煞

    • 地火明夷

  • National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

    • A wunderkind of Democratic Party foreign policy who served Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The election of Donald Trump saw Sullivan become the chief evangelist of a foreign policy for the middle class (i.e. synthesising foreign and domestic policy).

    • Born in 1976

    • 丙辰年乾

    • 2021: 太陰、羊刃、天煞、歲煞、貫索、勾神、卒暴

    • 乾為天

    • 2022: 喪門、地喪、天哭、豹尾、月煞

    • 地天泰

  • United States Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai

    • The first Asian-American in the role and the first Biden appointee to receive unanimous Senate approval. As a former USTR staffer under President Obama and later a trade counsel in the House Representatives, Tai has unmatched expertise in addressing trade issues with China.

    • Born in 1974

    • 甲寅年兌

    • 2021: 紅鸞、太陽、孤辰、劫煞、吞陷、天空、晦氣

    • 天澤履

    • 2022: 伏尸、劍鋒、太歲、披頭、劫煞

    • 地澤臨

  • US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield

    • With over 30 years of foreign service experience, Thomas-Greenfield is a highly respected former diplomat who even Mike Pompeo sought to bring back to the State Department. She is both proud and open about her Louisiana roots, including her experiences growing up in the segregated South.

    • Born in 1952

    • 壬辰年震

    • 2021: 太陰、羊刃、天煞、歲煞、貫索、勾神、卒暴

    • 天雷旡妄

    • 2022: 喪門、地喪、天哭、豹尾、月煞

    • 地雷復

  • Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen

    • The first person in US history to head each of the most powerful federal economic bodies: the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and White House Council of Economic Advisors. While the first female Treasury Secretary is very much an establishment figure, even as Chair of the Federal Reserve (a far more conservative and less political position), Yellen was notably progressive on issues like inequity and climate change.

    • Born in 1946

    • 丙戌年乾

    • 2021: 天德、福星、板鞍、寡宿、卷舌、絞煞、三刑

    • 乾為天

    • 2022: 天雄、華蓋、飛廉、大煞、黃旛、白虎

    • 地天泰

  • 16th chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell

    • Born in 1953

    • 癸巳年坤

    • 2021: 金輿、三臺、飛符、指背、官符、五鬼、天哭、地煞、年符

    • 天地否

    • 2022: 太陰、三刑、亡神、勾神、孤辰、貫索、六害

    • 坤為地

People born in 1940 - 1950: 6/19

People born in 1951 - 1960: 4/19

People born in 1961 - 1980: 9/19

People to watch for


  • President Joe Biden

  • Director, National Economic Council Brian Deese

  • Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks

  • Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry

  • Chief of Staff Ron Klain

  • Chair, Council of Economic Advisors Cecilia Rouse

  • Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman


  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

  • Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken

  • United States Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai

  • 16th chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell




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