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#54 歸妹 Gui Mei (Contradictory)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Gui Mei means contradictory.

What is this about?

This Gua describes how previous King Shang had his younger sister married to King Wen. Another maiden, usually a younger sister, accompanied the bride as the king's concubine. This role served an essential purpose. Hopefully, the concubine could provide heirs to the throne if the wife was barren. The Chinese were fond of using the partnership of husband and wife to symbolise the relationship between the king and his ministers. The Duke of Zhou used the marriage of the previous King Shang's sister to represent his situation after his brother, King Wu, died. As the country's caretaker, he supervised the empire, acting on behalf of his young nephew, Cheng Wang, the new king.


54.0 征凶,无攸利

Any direction proves dangerous. There will be no advantage. The Duke of Zhou sensed his position as acting head of the empire was complex. Whether it is your rightful position or not, you are in charge. Unfortunately, even though you perform your duties with the utmost sincerity and integrity, your situation will not bring a favourable outcome.

54.1 初九歸妹以娣。跛能履。征吉

Yang on line 1: The concubine accompanying the elder sister to her wedding is like a lame person limping. There is no advantage. While you may be acting on behalf of your superior, it is still more advantageous to be in charge.

54.2 九二眇能視。利幽人之貞

Yang on line 2: A person's sight is not lost if he is blind in only one eye. It is advantageous for a hermit to keep his lifestyle. Turn a blind eye to unpleasant happening.

54.3 九三歸妹以如嬬 [須]。反歸以娣

Yin on Line 3: A maiden's marriage is essential. However, she must accompany her elder sister as a concubine; the Duke of Zhou's position as advisor to the young King Cheng Wang was sometimes frustrating. As the acting head, you may not like to implement your ideas, for there will be those who are suspicious of your motives. However, there is no need to be sheepish. Hold your head high and carry on.

54.4 九四歸妹愆期。遲歸有時

Yang on Line 4: The wedding ceremony is delayed. It is better late than never. As a result

of King Wu's death, the coronation of his young son and the appointment of the Duke of Zhou as the country's caretaker were probably delayed. Therefore, the announcer of your promotion/ engagement will be delayed.

54.5 六五帝乙歸妹。其君之袂。不如其娣之袂良。月幾望,吉

Yin on Line 5: When the previous King Shang arranged his younger sister's marriage, the bride's wedding garment was not as beautiful as her sister's dress. The moon is almost complete. There will be a fortune. King Wen's concubine (Di Yi's younger sister) probably gave birth to King Wu and the Duke of Zhou. Although you may win something by default, do not feel ashamed. Use your newfound position/ inheritance/ prize to your ability. You will shine.

54.6 上六女承筐无實。士刲羊,无血。无攸利

Yin on Line 6: The lady carries an empty basket. The gentleman slaughters the ram, but there is no blood. There will be misfortune. The young king's coronation ceremony was not extravagant. Because he was too young to rule, the Duke of Zhou became the country's caretaker, a challenging position fraught with obstacles and frustration. There are difficult times ahead. Maintain the proper etiquette. Sharpen your political acumen.



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