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#63 既濟 Ji Ji (Accomplishment)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Ji Ji means already crossing the river, already accomplishing something.

What is this about?

This Gua summarises the rise and fall of the Shang dynasty. It concludes with the Zhou overthrowing the Shang administration. That which is already accomplished is the establishment of Zhou rule.


63.0 亨小;利貞。初吉,終亂

Progressive smoothness. It is advantageous to persevere in small matters. There will be a fortune in the beginning and chaos in the end. When establishing a new enterprise or relationship, expect smooth sailing. As time progresses, you may encounter uncertainties and problems, leading to an unfortunate and chaotic ending. Proceed in incremental steps.

63.1 初九曳其輪。濡其尾。无咎

Yang on Line 1: Like a fox crossing the river and getting only his tail wet, he carefully brakes his carriage's wheel. There will be no mistake. Although unpleasant events (misunderstandings, arguments, misfortune) may dampen your enterprise/ relationship, they will not hurt your accomplishment.

63.2 六二婦喪其勿逐一七日得

Yin on Line 2: A woman loses her hair ornament. There is no need to search for it. In seven days, it will be found. So whatever you have lost will soon be returned.

63.3 九三高宗伐鬼方,三年克之。小人勿用

Yang on Line 3: Pre pre-Shang King spent three years conquering the Gui Fang (a northern barbarian tribe). Incapable people should not be employed. As a result of incompetent generals leading the Shang legions, it took excessive time and a heavy loss of life to conquer the barbarians. If you are determined to win (a campaign, a new job, litigation), surround yourself with knowledgeable people who can help foster your success. You will win.

63.4 六四繻有衣袽冬日戒

Yin on Line 4: The fine cotton clothing turns to rags. Be alert all day. The three years spent battling the northern tribes have proved exhausting. The Shang people felt ragged. They lost their trust in others. Likewise, don't be too trusting.

63.5 九五東鄰殺牛。不如西鄰之禴祭,實受其福

Yang on Line 5: While the eastern neighbour slaughters an ox for his sacrifice, the western neighbour can afford only a humble offering. Nevertheless, the neighbour of the West is blessed. Here, "east" refers to the Shang; "west" refers to the Zhou, the less prosperous tribe. Therefore, despite your financial circumstances, endeavour to succeed to the best of your ability. Heaven helps those who help themselves.

63.6 上六濡其首,厲

Yin on Line 6: The head is submerged in water. It is dangerous. The defeat of the Shang empire by the Zhou can be likened to a man drowning. The Shang could do nothing to save themselves. Congratulations! You have defeated your enemy/competition. Your mission has been accomplished.


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