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#37 家人 Jia Ren (Family)

Updated: Mar 3

Family is where the heart is, and the I Ching reminds us of this with Gua Jia Ren, symbolising the warmth of a household. 🏡✨ Whether you're coming back from a journey or healing from life's setbacks, the family bond often gives us strength.

What is this about?

In this Gua, the family is a microcosm of the country. The father figure is the king, and the wife is his officer. The Duke of Zhou used the model of an ideal family to project a model of a perfect country.


37.0 利女貞

It is advantageous for women to be correct in household affairs. In traditional Chinese society, a man's place is outside the home, while a woman is inside the house. The man works to support his family, and the woman keeps the home and family members in good order. Understand your position in your family/ company. Perform your assigned duties with integrity and dignity. Do not overstep your boundaries.

37.1 初九閑有家。悔亡

Yang on Line 1: Establish rules and regulations for the family to avoid regrettable incidents. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Establish and enforce house rules (or regulations for workers to abide by) to avoid unnecessary chaos.

37.2 六二无攸遂。在中饋,吉

Yin on Line 2: A woman must take no active role outside. She must stay within and prepare food. Perseverance brings positive results. Tradition dictates that a man can focus on his career if his wife looks after him well. Likewise, a king/president can gain international recognition if his officers enforce law and order within the country. If your internal affairs are in order, you (or the breadwinner) can concentrate on external advancement.

37.3 九三家人,嗃悔厲吉

Yang on Line 3: Family members are cold and stem toward each other because the master has established strict rules. Nevertheless, it is fortunate. If the women and children act silly and foolish, it is shameful. Firm rules force all to work harder. Without them, a person is less motivated and tends to procrastinate. Nothing gets accomplished. Although there is little laughter, the outcome is fruitful. Work hard. Don't dawdle.

37.4 六四富家,大

Yin on Line 4: The family becomes rich. There is an excellent fortune. There is success, prosperity, and satisfaction when everyone works together as a cohesive unit. But remember, you're only as strong as your weakest link.

37.5 九五王假有家。勿恤,吉

Yang on Line 5: If a country's internal affairs are run like those of a wealthy family, there will be prosperity. Administer your family as if you were the king governing his country. Take pride in your duties, and you will succeed.

37.6 上九有孚威如。終吉

Yang on Line 6: Rule with sincerity and dignity. Eventually, there will be a fortune. For a family, the master of the house should demand obedience. In exchange, he will be fair and sincere. For a country, the king/ president should rule with authority. In business, he should be benevolent. This idea applies to running a company or even establishing a relationship.



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