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#40 解 Jie (Releasing)

Updated: Aug 27

Jie is all about "separating" and "releasing". Imagine letting go of the baggage that weighs you down.🙌

When we face a difficulty, we often get caught in it. But what if the solution lies within "us" and not in the problem?💡Jie is that guiding light that teaches us to confront and let go of what's troubling us. 🚀

Imagine carrying a heavy stone while mountain climbing. Its weight drains your energy. But when you release it, the journey becomes much easier! The same principle applies to our lives. You're free to release your anger, resentment, or negative energy! 😉

But remember! Jie teaches balance, too. It's not about indulging in pleasure or suffering in pain. It's all about maintaining the healthy equilibrium of emotions.⚖️

So, what is your 'Jie' moment? When did you last relieve yourself from a burden and witness a positive shift in your life? Please take a moment to reflect on these moments, as they can be powerful tools for self-awareness and personal growth.

What is this about?

This Gua advises how the Zhou overcame the adversity described in Jian.


40.0 利西南。无所往,其來復吉。有攸往,夙吉

It is advantageous in the southwest (Zhou). There is a worth in inactivity. If there is advancement, fortune will come more quickly. Whether the people supported King Wen's cause to end (or separate from) the oppressive Shang rule is a moot point. Heaven destined the revolution to be successful. If people hesitate to rally to your cause, don't worry. Your project/ idea will be successful. However, you will succeed rapidly if you have a support base.

40.1 无咎

Yin on Line 1: There will be no mistake. There is no mistake in separating yourself from a problematic situation or onerous relationship. Like a blade of grass emerging from the frozen winter soil, the task is difficult but not impossible. Proceed with courage and confidence. It is meant to be.

40.2 九二田獲三狐得黃矢,貞:吉

Yang on Line 2: Three foxes are hunted. The golden arrow is recovered. It is fortunate to be firm and correct. Here, "hunting" refers to small military excursions. Recovering the "golden arrow" meant no troops were lost in battle. Nourish your enterprise/ relationship in incremental steps. As long as you have integrity, your endeavour will prove successful.

40.3 六三負且乘致寇至。貞吝

Yin on Line 3: Filling the carriage with treasures will attract bandits. If you insist on doing this, it will be regrettable. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your portfolio. Investing too heavily in one sector can endanger your hard-earned savings. You will regret such misguided action.

40.4 九四解而拇朋至斯孚

Yang on Line 4: Free your toes. When friends arrive, they will trust you. You are ready to move! Your friends recognise your confidence and zeal and will rally around your cause. Take action now. You're about to embark on a great adventure.

40.5 六五君子維有解,吉。有孚于小人

Yin on Line 5: It is fortunate when the honourable man is released from bondage. Even the commoners will trust and follow him. This line refers to King Wen being freed from seven years of house arrest imposed by the cruel King Zhou of Shang. Upon Wen's release, the commoners assembled to support his rebellion against the tyrant king. You are free to execute your idea. Many will enthusiastically come to assist you. Accept their help.

40.6 上六公用射隼于高墉之上獲之。无不利

Yin on Line 6: The duke successfully shoots the falcon perched on the high wall. There is no disadvantage. King Wen removed all obstacles hindering the success of his revolution against the Shang. Likewise, liberate yourself from those who have betrayed you. Clear your path of problems and concerns and proceed with confidence.



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