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#60 節 Jie (Regulating)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Jie means regulating your spending.

What is this about?

After the civil war caused by King Cheng Wang's three uncles was squelched, the Duke of Zhou regulated national spending. This hexagram explains his philosophy of governing the Zhou reserves.


60.0 亨苦節;不可貞

There is smooth progression. Overregulating is disadvantageous. Once the war against the Duke of Zhou's three brothers was thwarted, it was necessary to reduce the budget to replenish their reserves. Yet, making drastic cuts would impede the country's progress. This is a time to tighten your belt. Frugality will set you back on track. However, don't be too strict. An occasional indulgence is just and appropriate.

60.1 初九不出戶庭,无咎

Yang on Line 1: Staying inside the house to avoid unnecessary spending is no mistake. Regulate spending by eating more. Entertain yourself with a good book, intelligent television programs, and a relaxing bath. Write a letter or play a game. Just stay home!

60.2 九二不出門庭,凶

Yang on Line 2: Staying inside the house when opportunity knocks at the door will bring misfortune. When a great opportunity presents itself, invest in it. Do not allow frugality to lead to stinginess. You cannot gain anything by hoarding your savings.

60.3 六三不節。則嗟若。无咎

Yin on Line 3: If spending is not regulated, complain and grumble. There will be no mistake. If your mate or business partner is overspending, bringing it to his or her attention will not cause a problem.

60.4 六四安節,亨

Yin on Line 4: If being frugal suits you, your progression will be smooth. A penny saved is a penny earned. Spend within your means. Build up your nest egg and reap the benefits.

60.5 九五甘節,吉。往有尚

Yang on Line 5: If you enjoy regulating your life, there will be a fortune. Your name will be respected for living a noble lifestyle. Spending less will make you healthier, wealthier, and wiser. You will enjoy spiritual satisfaction rather than material abundance.

60.6 上六苦節貞凶。悔亡

Yin on Line 6: Being stingy is dangerous. Cease being miserly, and you will forget about these miserable days. Frugality is virtuous. But living a miserly life is not. Spend when needed, and you will be a happier person.



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