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#35 晉 Jin (Promoting)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Jin means promoting, the Gua suggesting career advancement or an award received. The image symbolises the rising sun emerging on the horizon.

What is this about?

The Duke of Zhou was praised and rewarded by his father for his efforts in the revolution against the Shang King.


35.0 康侯用錫馬蕃。庶,晝日三接

The earl, who helped to rule the country, was bestowed gifts of horses by the king. He received the award three times within one day. Here, "earl" probably refers to the Duke of Zhou. Like the sun rising to meet the new day, your radiance shines. Congratulations! You will be promoted to higher positions, bringing you greater prosperity, authority, and enlightenment.

35.1 初六晉如,摧如。貞吉。罔孚裕。无咎

Yin on Line 1: You are promoted. Slander hurts you. Remain firm, and there will be no fault. Expect others to be jealous of your gain upon receiving an award (inheritance, prize) or being promoted. Although you may be subjected to gossip, ignore the tittle-tattle. Be generous and forgiving. There will be positive results.

35.2 六二晉如,愁如。貞吉。受茲介福于其王母

Yin on Line 2: Worry accompanies promotion. Persevere. Accept the blessing from your grandmother. While problems arise due to your advertising or receipt of an award (inheritance, prize), don't fret. By all means, don't let your emotions dictate your actions. Use your head! Your good luck is a gift from your ancestors.

35.3 六三眾允。悔亡

Yin on Line 3: Receive applause from the crowd, and all unfortunate events are forgotten. Slowly and steadily, you will win the trust, appreciation, and confidence of your associates/family. Such praise will erase past transgressions and misfortunate events.

35.4 九四晉如鼫鼠。貞厲

Yang on Line 4: Some liken your promotion to a giant rat assigned duties he cannot perform. The situation is complicated. To the Chinese, the "giant rat" is also known as the five-skill rat: It can fly, but it cannot touch the roof; it can climb, but it cannot reach the treetop; it can swim, but it cannot cross the river; it can run, but it cannot be faster than others, and it can dig, but the hole is not deep enough to burrow. Some people thought the Duke of Zhou was promoted only because he was the king's son. While it may be difficult initially, once you display your talent, you will be accepted by the suspicious.

35.5 六五悔亡。失得勿恤。往吉无;不利

Yin on Line 5: There is nothing to regret. Do not bother with success or failure. Do what needs to be done. It is advantageous. Your position is stable. Therefore, don't fret about trifling gains or losses. Ups and downs come with any situation. Focus on performing your duties to the best of your ability, and you will find further prosperity and enrichment.

35.6 上九晉! 其角維用伐邑。厲吉,无咎。貞吝

Yang on Line 6: Expect promotion to the horn's tip. Conquer the undisciplined barbarians. The situation is difficult, but it will be fortunate and faultless. However, if excessive punishment is used, it is shameful. The tip of an ox's horn is the highest position on the mammal. This is analogous to your status. Be authoritative to maintain your high-level position (in a company or as head of the family). Exercise your power by punishing the wrongdoers. However, do not overstep your boundaries. Excessive action leads to shame and humiliation.



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