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#46 升 Sheng (Rising)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Sheng means rising. It denotes being promoted.

What is this about?

This Gua narrates how his elder brother, King Wu, promoted the Duke of Zhou. As a result, the Duke of Zhou became the king's diviner and military advisor in the mission to conquer the 99 nations that remained loyal to the Shang.


46.0 元亨。用見大人。勿恤,南征吉

The great man will appoint you to an important position. Do not fear. It is fortunate to conquer the south (the 99 nations). Congratulations! You will soon be promoted. You will be assigned an important task or responsibility with your newly elevated status. Your mission is to solve a complex problem, mediate a dispute, or install order in a chaotic situation. Don't worry. You're well-qualified. The endeavour will prove trouble-free and successful.

46.1 初六允升,大吉

Yin on Line 1: Your solid reputation has led to your promotion. There will be great fortune. In Guai, the Duke of Zhou severed relationships with those who opposed him. His courageous action, righteousness, and eagerness to help his people advanced his career. Your sincerity and virtuousness have caught the attention of the powers that be. You will be promoted.

46.2 孚乃利用禴。无咎

Yang on Line 2: Display your gratitude and make an offering to your ancestors. There will be no mistake. Throw a party to celebrate your promotion. Let others share in your joy. It is well-deserved.

46.3 九三升虛邑

Yang on Line 3: You are promoted to head an empty city. An "empty city" is something devoid of problems. You are starting from scratch. Your task is to assemble a capable team for a particular purpose. You are free to recruit a group of your liking.

46.4 六四王用亨于岐山。吉,无咎

Yin on Line 4: The king celebrates on Mount Qi. It is fortunate. There will be no mistake. King Wu offers to the ancestors in his homeland on Mount Qi. The ceremony will obtain blessings for the forthcoming military assault against the 99 rebel tribes. You are the key person in an important project. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Your endeavour will be met with success and further promotion.

46.5 六五貞吉升階

Yin on Line 5: There is a future in persistence. You are rising to a higher level. You are climbing the corporate ladder smoothly, steadily, and with great determination. But don't let your success go to your head. Stay grounded.

46.6 上六冥升,利于不息之貞

Yin on Line 6: Having risen to a level that makes you feel dizzy, it is advantageous to maintain a solid work ethic. Overjoyed at your rapid advancement, you find it too good to be true. Stay focused. Keep on track. Don't let your success lead you astray.


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