Wu Wang means being subjected to misfortune without having done anything wrong.
What is this about?
This Gua refers to what happened after King Wu met an untimely death. Wu's young son, Cheng Wang, became the new emperor with his uncle, the Duke of Zhou, as his advisor. Despite the baseless rumours intended to hurt his reputation and motive, the Duke of Zhou continued to help, his nephew rule with stately righteousness.
25.0 元亨,利貞。其匪正有眚。不利有攸往
In the beginning, there will be regular progress. If there is a resolution, there will be a future. If there is an unjustified motive, then all actions are inappropriate. They are installing the Duke of Zhou as Cheng Wang's advisor proved trouble-free from the start. However, the partnership was questioned when Guan, Cai, and Huo, the Duke of Zhou's brothers, tried to undermine the arrangement for selfish reasons. Disengage from troublemakers. Do not become entangled in the misdeeds of others. Stay on the high road, and you will be rewarded.
25.1 初九无妄,往吉
Yang on Line 1: If there is nothing wrong, proceed. There will be a future. The Duke of Zhou had no hidden motive as Cheng Wang's advisor. No one was considered ill in the relationship. If you believe you are doing the right thing, proceed with courage and confidence.
25.2 六二不耕穫。不菑畬。則利有攸往
Yin on Line 2: Don't expect a bountiful harvest without first ploughing the field. Don't expect a harvest upon sowing the seeds. When there is a goal, the action will be rewarded. The Duke of Zhou did not expect his young nephew to rule without first being trained. The Duke of Zhou taught Cheng Wang about proper etiquette, military strategy, and governing with integrity and honesty. Likewise, don't bite off more than you can chew. Set realistic goals. Seek assistance. Find a mentor.
25.3 六三无妄之災 — 或繫之牛行人之得。邑人之災
Yin on Line 3: Calamity can come without reason. For example, an individual ties his ox to a tree. A passerby takes the ox. Someone in the neighbourhood is accused of stealing the ox. Without evidence, this is an inappropriate accusation. Although you may not have done anything wrong, misfortune has befallen you. Hold your head high and proceed as planned. Stay calm. The discord with soon pass.
25.4 九四可貞;无咎
Yang on Line 4: With determination, insist on the right path. There will be no misstep. The Duke of Zhou ignored rumours. Instead, he focused on assisting his nephew, the King. Have faith. Your name will be cleared.
25.5 九五无妄之疾;勿藥,有喜
Yang on Line 5: He ailed without guilt. He is cured without medication. He is happier than before. If you suffer baseless slander, your reputation will not be hurt. Do not take negative and unsubstantiated rumours personally. Moreover, do not combat the perpetrators. Although challenging now, you will find contentment when the dark cloud passes.
25.6 上九无妄行有眚。无攸利
Yang on Line 6: Unexpected misfortune comes. It will be disadvantageous to act. You do not have to err to become entangled in an unfavourable situation. Stay put. Wait for the appropriate time to take action.