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Names of the 64 Hexagrams

Writer's picture: Jason ChanJason Chan

Hexagrams (and trigrams) are described from the bottom line to the top line (e.g., line 1 is the lowest line).

  1. Qian 乾 (The Creative) ䷀

  2. Kun 坤 (The Receptive)䷁

  3. Zhun 屯 (Difficulty at the Beginning)䷂

  4. Meng 蒙 (Youthful Folly) ䷃

  5. Xu 需 (Waiting) ䷄

  6. Song 訟 (Contention) ䷅

  7. Shi 師 (The Army) ䷆

  8. Bi 比 (Holding Together) ䷇

  9. Xiaoxu 小畜 (Lesser Domestication) ䷈

  10. 履 (Treading) ䷉

  11. Tai 泰 (Peace) ䷊

  12. Pi 否 (Obstruction) ䷋

  13. Tongren 同人 (Fellowship) ䷌

  14. Dayou 大有 (Great Holdings) ䷍

  15. Qian 謙 (Modesty) ䷎

  16. Yu 豫 (Contentment) ䷏

  17. Sui 隨 (Following) ䷐

  18. Gu 蠱 (Ills to Be Cured) ䷑

  19. Lin 臨 (Overseeing) ䷒

  20. Guan 觀 (Viewing) ䷓

  21. Shike 噬嗑 (Bite Together) ䷔

  22. Bi 賁 (Elegance) ䷕

  23. Bo 剝 (Peeling) ䷖

  24. Fu 復 (Return) ䷗

  25. Wuwang 无妄 (No Errancy) ䷘

  26. Daxu 大畜 (Great Domestication) ䷙

  27. Yi 頤 (Nourishment) ䷚

  28. Daguo 大過 (Major Superiority) ䷛

  29. Xikan 習坎 (The Constant Sink Hole) ䷜

  30. Li 離 (Cohesion) ䷝

  31. Xian 咸 (Reciprocity) ䷞

  32. Heng 恆 (Perseverance) ䷟

  33. Dun 遯 (Withdraw) ䷠

  34. Dazhuang 大壯 (Great Strength) ䷡

  35. Jin 晉 (Advance) ䷢

  36. Mingyi 明夷 (Suppression of the Light) ䷣

  37. Jiaren 家人 (The Family) ䷤

  38. Kui 睽 (Contrariety) ䷥

  39. Jian 蹇 (Adversity) ䷦

  40. Jie 解 (Release) ䷧

  41. Sun 損 (Diminution) ䷨

  42. Yi 益 (Increase) ䷩

  43. Guai 夬 (Resolution) ䷪

  44. Gou 姤 (Encounter) ䷫

  45. Cui 萃 (Gathering) ䷬

  46. Sheng 升 (Climbing) ䷭

  47. Kun 困 (Impasse) ䷮

  48. Jing 井 (The Well) ䷯

  49. Ge 革 (Radical Change) ䷰

  50. Ding 鼎 (The Cauldron) ䷱

  51. Zhen 震 (Quake) ䷲

  52. Gen 艮 (Restraint) ䷳

  53. Jian 漸 (Gradual Advance) ䷴

  54. Guimei 歸妹 (Marrying Maid) ䷵

  55. Feng 豐 (Abundance) ䷶

  56. 旅 (The Wanderer) ䷷

  57. Xun 巽 (Compliance) ䷸

  58. Dui 兌 (Joy) ䷹

  59. Huan 渙 (Dispersion) ䷺

  60. Jie 節 (Control) ䷻

  61. Zhongfu 中孚 (Inner Trust) ䷼

  62. Xiaoguo 小過 (Minor Superiority) ䷽

  63. Jiji 既濟 (Ferrying Complete) ䷾

  64. Weiji 未濟 (Ferrying Incomplete) ䷿



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