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#14 大有 Da You (Great Reward)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Da You means excellent reward.

What is this about?

Before he was King Wen, he led several great battles under the Shang flag. For each victory, the Shang King rewarded him with impressive gifts. However, the conquered people who recognised King Wen as the more respectable leader showed him a valid reward- loyalty.


14.0 元亨

A great reward indicates that your action was destined to be successful from the beginning. The gifts King Zhou of Shang bestowed on King Wen were token rewards. The greater reward was the conquered people's allegiance to him. If you have a noble spirit, others will rally to your cause. This is a time of outstanding achievement and prosperity. Your contributions will be acknowledged and valued. However, don't let success go to your head. Accept your reward (promotion, prize, inheritance) with modesty.

14.1 初九无交 匪咎艱。則无咎

Yang on Line 1: There is nothing wrong with opposition. If the difficulty is anticipated, there will be no oversight. In battle, King Wen expected resistance. Do not underestimate your competition. Be ready for challenging moments. Such awareness will help you to overcome obstacles.

14.2 九二大車以載,有攸往。无咎

Yang on Line 2: Large carriages were loaded with weapons and supplies. The direction to proceed did not matter. There will be no mistake. In each battle, the Zhou units had an abundance of supplies. To ensure success, you must have ample support. Replenish your supply storage.

14.3 九三公用亨于天子,小人弗克

Yang on Line 3: The Shang King honoured the dukes with a loyal banquet. People with no achievement could not expect the same treatment. When Zhou's leader and other officers returned from victory, King Shang honoured them with a royal banquet. You have done a great job! Expect a bonus.

14.4 九四匪其彭,无咎

Yang on Line 4: If he is not arrogant, there will be no mistake. Because of King Wen's humility, the Shang King did not feel threatened. So be humble, and you will not be subjected to jealousy, gossip and other untoward acts.

14.5 六五厥孚交如威如。吉

Yin on Line 5: Sincerity won him the hearts of the people. People looked upon him as a benevolent ruler. It is fortunate—the conquered reciprocated King Wen's sincerity. Remember the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Sincerity fosters loyalty.

14.6 上九自天祐之吉。无不利

Yang on Line 6: Heaven blessed him. Nothing disadvantageous will befall him. Heaven destined King Wen to become a leader. You, too, are destined to lead. Positive results await you.


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