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Aug 16, 20232 min read
The I Ching and Economic Reserves: An Unconventional Perspective
The I Ching, or "易经" (Yìjīng), is one of the world's oldest divination systems. Comprising 64 hexagrams, it provides insights into the...
May 22, 20202 min read
Reimagining Business in the Tao Perspective: A Feng Shui Master's Guide to Company Restructuring
Embracing Change Amid Disruption In light of recent global disruptions triggered by the Covid pandemic, the business landscape has...
May 18, 20203 min read
#61 中孚 Zhong Fu (Mutual Trust)
Zhong Fu means being mutually trusting and sincere from the heart's bottom. What is this about? The rebellion created by King Cheng...
May 18, 20203 min read
#62 小過 Xiao Guo (Small Test)
Xiao Guo means small testing passing a small test. What is this about? Many people were suspicious of the Duke of Zhou's intentions when...
May 18, 20203 min read
#50 鼎 Ding (Power)
Ding represents a bronze caldron, the character depicting a pot having four legs, two ears (handles), and one eye (the opening or the...
May 11, 20202 min read
#14 大有 Da You (Great Reward)
Da You means excellent reward. What is this about? Before he was King Wen, he led several great battles under the Shang flag. For each...
Apr 24, 20202 min read
#6 訟 Song (Litigation)
Song means litigation. Song also symbolises conflict, dispute, seeking justice, and lodging a complaint. What is this? This Gua describes...
Apr 20, 20203 min read
#4 蒙 Meng (Ignorance)
Meng means ignorance. It connotes immaturity, youthful unawareness, undeveloped potential and foolishness. What is this about? This Gua...
Apr 17, 20203 min read
#3 屯 Chun (Accumulating)
Chun means accumulating. The image connotes a sprouting seed, which must draw nourishment from the earth and energy from the sun to...
Apr 11, 20203 min read
#1 乾 Chien (Power)
Chien means power that can be used either constructively or destructively. Chien's impressive and dynamic force represents the sky or...
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