Zhong Fu means being mutually trusting and sincere from the heart's bottom.
What is this about?
The rebellion created by King Cheng Wang's three uncles was caused by a lack of trust between them and their brother, the Duke of Zhou. This Gua describes how the Duke of Zhou handled the delicate situation.
Offering simple sacrifices like piglets and fish will bring fortune. It is advantageous to cross the great stream. It is beneficial to insist on the correct path. Sincerity cannot be measured. True friendship is not gained by lavishing expensive gifts on people. You can work together to create something great if you have mutual trust between your mate/ associates/ business partners.
61.1 初九虞吉;有他不燕
Yang on Line 1: Being in harmony is fortunate. If hidden motives exist, people will not dine together. If ulterior intentions and suspicions lurk beneath the surface of your relationship, how can you enjoy your partner's/friend's/associate's company? Do not be paranoid. Have faith in the relationship.
61.2 九二鳴鶴在陰;其子和之。我有好爵;吾與爾靡之
Yang on Line 2: The mother crane calls out to her children from the shade. They respond immediately. I have fine wine. Will you join me? The "mother crane" refers to the Duke of Zhou. The "children" are the Zhou people. The "wine" represents the just policies that helped the country prosper. The Duke of Zhou asked his people to trust him. Therefore, have faith in the management. Everyone will share in its success.
61.3 六三得敵! 或鼓,或罷,或泣,或歌
Yin on Line 3: An enemy appears. For an instant, you want to go to war. The next moment, you do not. Sometimes you want to cry, and sometimes you want to sing. These lines refer to the Duke of Zhou's indecision about waging war against his brothers and King Cheng Wang's three uncles. You are at a crossroads. It would be best if you made an important decision. Use the utmost discretion. Carefully think through the ramifications of your decision.
61.4 六四月幾望。馬匹亡。无咎
Yin on Line 4: The moon is almost complete. The horse is lost. There will be no mistake. The Duke of Zhou realised his brothers were working against him and not with him. It has become clear that your friend(s) has turned against you. Now that the situation has come to light, do something about the unpleasantness.
61.5 九五有孚攣如。无咎
Yang on Line 5: There will be no mistake when friends love each other like brothers. The Duke of Zhou convinced his brother, the Duke of Zhao, that the rumours spread by their three brothers were groundless. As a result, the Duke of Zhao agreed to launch a military attack to restore peace and order. Gain the trust and support of your most important partner. There will be no mistake.
61.6 上九翰音登于天。貞凶
Yang on Line 6: The rooster crows, its voice rising to Heaven. To persist will bring misfortune. A rooster cannot fly. It can only hope its crow will reach far and wide. Likewise, words without action bring misfortune. The Duke of Zhou realised this and set out to thwart the rebellion led by his brothers. Don't just talk about it, do it!